Thursday, October 14, 2010

In my twenty years in this world, and in almost 8 years of being aware that there's a much bigger, brighter world apart from the space that occupies my house and all five-feet-two-inches of me, there are tons of things I've learned about life. My realizations take me aback almost everyday because they just come out of nowhere, and usually when I never expect them.

From these new knowledge and wisdom, there are some that very much stand out. They eventually become my principles in life, and are what makes me the person I am everyday. They also become the smallest, simplest things that sort of "finish up" my happy days. Sometimes, happiness can come in small packages.

Have you ever heard of or even know people who are bitter and cold from not attaining what they want just because it's just too large for reality? Those people grow old bitter and resentful, just because they forget to be happy.

In real life:
When I feel comfortable with my friends and I just hanging out for no particular reason at all;
When I misplace something and Mama reprimands me for it, she calls me "burara" and tells me how she never misplaces anything because she's such an organized person;
When my friends and I laugh about something so shallow and stupid, and only we can understand what we just did or said;
When I know that my friends will always be there, no matter how busy they are;

There's more. But it won't fit here. :)

Some people buy their happiness.
Some want it to be served to them on silver platters.
Some throw extravagant parties and invite people they barely know just to impress and feel good about themselves.
Some have too big ambitions, and are never happy until they get what they want.

It's good to WANT something. But failing to see the importance and happiness in the little things in life can be your biggest mistake. Because of that, being "grand" is the only way to please you.

I made that mistake once. Luckily, I learned to love the little things and appreciate the big ones.

Big, grand things can lose their luster in the passage of time. Small, simple things can't become smaller. In the end, they are all you can have or have left. :)

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